Hey Guys, I spent the weekend with my family- well some of my family anyway. Two of my sisters, my dad, a family friend, one of my cousins, and I went tubing down the Green River in Saluda, NC. This was my first time ever going and I was excited. I love being outside but don't do anything recreational like this often enough. Usually, I'm at home and working with the animals. And not only was I getting out and having fun but I was trying something new! But i n my haste, though, I forgot two necessary items- my EpiPen and proper footwear. The first one was just plain risky. I am allergic to bees and am supposed to take it with me everywhere I go but I left it at home instead. I could blame it on the ADHD, the fact that I am blonde, or because I was running late. And all of these are true but I honestly just didn't think about them until I was already floating down the river. Now for the footwear, I chose to pack a flimsy pair of flip-fl...
They say life is an adventure. Mine, however, never seems to slow down.